
Is it true, or is it the most powerful lie of all time?

I wrote the first account, O Theophilus, of everything that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was received [into heaven], after he had commanded the apostles whom he had chosen through the Holy Spirit. To them, even after his suffering, he proved to be alive through many sure signs, appearing to them for 40 days and talking about the kingdom of God.

  With these words the Acts of the Apostles of Luke begins. And he immediately makes it unmistakably clear that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is a proven fact for him: "To them he proved himself alive even after his suffering through many certain signs, by appearing to them for 40 days".
    This, of course, is a statement of tremendous significance.  If it is true that Jesus really rose from the dead and then appeared to the apostles for more than 40 days and gave instructions for the future time with them, then with Jesus we are probably really dealing with the Son of God! Otherwise ... it would be the most powerful lie of all time - also in view of the present two billion Christians!

   Have the 11 apostles and their closer circle forged a conspiracy, invented the resurrection of Jesus and his 40-day appearance only to transform a lost cause - the death of their beloved Master - into a victory? Or have they truly witnessed an unbelievable event?
   The first apostles knew the truth, we later-born can believe their testimony or not!

   For me personally, however, based on my own experiences, there is no doubt that they have told the truth. I actually got to know the Risen One in my life: (please click on the button)

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