Espanol · 10. September 2019
Aquí la inusual testimonio de un amigo que se alejó del diablo y encontró su camino hacia Dios:
English · 03. Dezember 2018
The Levitation of St. Joseph of Copertino or St. Copetrtino (1603-1663) is a well-documented case about the free flying of a human being without aids. St. Joseph of Copertino sometimes hovered only a few centimeters above the ground, but also flew high into the air. This happened partly in front of large crowds all over Italy. The process of his canonization included a detailed examination. In this case, many written records, including 150 eyewitness accounts, were evaluated with detailed...
English · 27. November 2018
I stood near the exit leaning against a column and watched as the visitors of the divine service gradually left the room. Then suddenly a young man unknown to me came up to me and spoke to me: "Could I talk to you? Such a thing is not unusual after a service and so I answered without hesitation:" Yes, of course! What is it about? He said, without showing even the slightest emotion, "I am possessed by demons! Surprised, I looked at the young man, but could not see anything remarkable about him....
Francais · 27. November 2018
Je me tenais maintenant appuyé contre un pilier près de la sortie et je regardais les visiteurs du service quitter progressivement la salle. Soudain, un jeune homme, inconnu de moi, s'approcha de moi et me demanda : "Puis-je vous parler ?" Une telle chose n'est pas inhabituelle après un service divin et j'ai donc répondu sans hésitation : " Oui, bien sûr ! Qu'est-ce que c'est ?" Il dit, sans montrer la moindre émotion, "Je suis possédé par les démons ! Surpris, j'ai regardé le jeune...
Nederlands · 27. November 2018
Ik stondtegen een pilaar bij de uitgang te leunen en keek toe hoe de bezoekers van de dienst geleidelijk de kamer verlieten. Toen kwam er plotseling een jongeman, mij onbekend, naar me toe en vroeg me: "Kan ik met je praten? Zoiets is niet ongebruikelijk na een kerkdienst en dus antwoordde ik zonder aarzelen: "Ja, natuurlijk! Wat is het? Hij zei, zonder ook maar de minste emotie te tonen: "Ik ben bezeten door demonen! Verbaasd keek ik de jongeman aan, maar zag niets opmerkelijks aan hem. Hij...
Espanol · 27. November 2018
Me apoyé en una columna y observé los visitantes del servicio saliendo gradualmente de la habitación. De repente, un joven, desconocido para mí, se me acercó y me preguntó: "¿Podría hablar contigo?" Una cosa así no es inusual después de un servicio divino, así que respondí sin dudarlo:" ¡Sí, por supuesto! ¿Qué es esto?" Dijo, sin mostrar la más mínima emoción: "¡Estoy poseído por demonios! Sorprendido, miré al joven, pero no pude ver nada llamativo en él. Parecía...
English · 26. November 2018
"It is perhaps the most successful coup of the devil, the modern and enlightened people of today, to make them believe that he, the devil, did not exist" (anonymous) For centuries, people in the so-called Occident agreed that the devil and his demons were doing their mischief here on earth. People are tormented and seduced by them. They are a permitted scourge of God to test and punish people. Then the Age of Enlightenment began, the "truths" of the Bible began to be questioned more and more,...
English · 20. November 2018
In 1987 a large faith conference took place in Frankfurt am Main. It was announced as a five-day Fire Conference with the promising subtitle: Evangelism with Signs and Miracles At that time I was very close to a Bible school where I had begun a theological education. But I probably wouldn't have ended up at that Fire Conference if there hadn't been a lack of folders. So some of us Bible students were recruited. I was one of them. The conference took place in the large exhibition halls. Several...
English · 17. November 2018
"I hear the message well, but I have no faith!" (Heinrich Faust) The Christian message - about Jesus to God - has spread worldwide. There may be people who may never have heard or understood this message. But I think that a large part of humanity feels the same way as Heinrich Faust did in Goethe's tragedy. You heard the message and somehow understood it, but you remained unbelieving. This can have several reasons, but the most obvious is of course that there is no clear (objective) proof of...
Francais · 13. November 2018
Quand les bacilles ont appris à marcher. Demos Shakarian raconte dans son livre "The Happiest People on Earth" l'événement suivant, qui aurait eu lieu sur sa ferme en 1944 : Tous les marchands de lait du sud de la Californie ont fait face à une importante épidémie de tuberculose parmi le bé nombreux vétérinaires étaient en guerre...... Une fois par mois, les responsables de la santé publique venaient examiner nos troupeaux. La maladie était une menace existentielle pour...

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